FlexNyC Dance Program
What is FlexNyc
FlexNYC is a citywide residency program that teaches Youth empowerment through dance, and dance activism and for young people in collaboration with Reggie ‘Regg Roc’ Gray and the D.R.E.A.M. Ring (Dance Rules Everything Around Me). Through Flexn, a form of street dance with roots in Jamaican Bruk Up, students explore techniques in the dance style that encourages students to believe in their movement while creatively forming new vocabulary within the style and tackaling social issues while developing their capacity to express themselves. FlexNYC has expanded to all five boroughs, serving approximately 600 students. The Shed partners with public schools, New York City Housing Authority community centers, and Beacon youth programs to provide FlexNYC after-school activities. If you are interested in participating in FlexNYC, please contact THEDREAMRING@GMAIL.COM